GSA Register & Support

Gay-Straight Alliances and Genders & Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) are student-led clubs for LGBTQ youth and allies in middle and high schools. GSA meetings provide safe spaces for all members and can serve as support groups, social groups, and/or opportunities for educating others on LGBTQ topics. Under the Federal Equal Access Act (1984), public schools are required to allow GSAs to form if they have other extracurricular clubs.


This could be a teacher, counselor, librarian, or other staff member. This person can help you work with the administration to establish your GSA.

Examples are Gay-Straight Alliance, Genders and Sexualities Alliance, Diversity Club, or Rainbow Club.

GSAs can be support groups, social groups, and/or opportunities for educating others on LGBTQ topics.

Write down dates, times, and names of everyone involved in the process. If you feel like you are going through more steps than other clubs, contact Time Out Youth Center for help.

Register on the “Register Your GSA” page.

This could be a classroom, private room in the library, or another safe place at your school.

Invite students to join the GSA and attend the first meeting through school announcements, flyers, social media, and word-of-mouth.

Include food and fun activities, and create a mission statement and action plan for the group moving forward.

  1. Advertise your group, meetings, and activities! This can be through posters, word-of mouth, social media and remind text messages.
  2. Bring-A-Friend Day. Every member brings one friend to a meeting.
  3. Invite a guest speaker. Invite someone from a community group (Time Out Youth, PFLAG, ACLU, etc.), a local activist, or someone who does work in a related area.
  4. School newspaper or announcements. Write an editorial or letter to the editor in your school newspaper, and/or include a notice in the paper or on the daily announcements.
  5. Sign-in Sheets. Have sign-in sheets and contact people via email/text about upcoming meetings. (Be sure you ask if it is safe to contact members using this information.)
  6. Club Share. Build coalitions with other student clubs at your school by attending their meetings and partnering on future projects/activities.
  7. Movies! Screen a movie with an LGBTQ theme.
  8. Tabling. Set up a table during lunch or at a club fair to share information about your group.
  9. Provide snacks. Everyone loves free food! It is a great way to get more people to your meetings.

You’re invited! One of the best ways to get new people in the door is to invite them. Invite people in person, with special invites, via email/text, or through a social media event invite.

  • Create a mission statement as a group.
  • Start every meeting with introductions, pronouns, and group norms.
  • Make goals and stick to reaching them.
  • Plan meeting content, activities and speakers ahead of time.
  • Advertise your group, meeting days/times, and activities using posters or texts.
  • Avoid juggling too many projects or ideas at one time.
  • Be inclusive and educated on LGBTQ topics in intersectional identites.
  • Develop leadership among group memebers with additional responsibilites.
  • Group leadership should be diverse and from various grade levels.
  • Build coalitions with other student groups.

Click here to complete a Google Form to register your GSA!

Thank you for registering your GSA with Time Out Youth Center! Once registered, you will receive information on LGBTQ events and GSA meetings with Time Out Youth Center, GSA trainings and workshops, and how to connect with other GSAs in your area.

For additional GSA support, contact Haeley, at or 704-344-8335 ext 109.